Another book I'd highly recommend from the Marvel side is YOUNG AVENGERS #1.

Written by Allen Heinberg (one of the writers for the TV series "The O.C." ), and illustrated by Jim Cheung and John Dell.

This book is exactly, exactly what has been missing in comics. The fun back-and-forth dialogue you used to see in the 70's and 80's AVENGERS by Steve Englehart, Jim Shooter and Dave Michelinie.
And the early-Marvel kind of hero problems, balancing fighting crime with everyday responsibilities.
You know:
"Oh geez, I can't fight Kang tonight, I need to get home and study. I've got a test tomorrow !!"

That kind of stuff.

Here's a link to enlargements of YOUNG AVENGERS covers and interior pages:

I highly recommend picking up the first issue. And I find it hard to believe that anyone could get to page 4 and not want to read further.

Again, some minor tough-posturing bad-attitude elements, but not to the point that it overshadows the fun.
I thought issue 2 was not quite as good as issue 1, but was still good reading.

Also, based on how much I enjoyed YOUNG AVENGERS, I also picked up NEW AVENGERS # 4 this week. In the store, I looked at the art and thought it was great. Then I saw the writer is Brian Michael Bendis, and almost put it back on the shelf. But I thought the art and colors were great, so I gave it a shot.

I just want to emphasize how much I generally hate Bendis' work.
I thought Bendis' DAREDEVIL work (despite really nice art) was overly gloomy, pretentious and uninteresting. I dislike any number of books he's done that are profanity laden, and just filled to the brim with all the elements I despise.
Despite raves by others to try 100 BULLETS, I sampled the series and hated it.
Even Bendis' contribution to the 9-11 benefit book a few years ago ticked me off with its bad-attitude, cynical foul-talking script, which I really considered inappropriate to such a solemn event

But in contrast, when reading NEW AVENGERS # 4, I couldn't believe this was written by the same guy. It has so much clever dialogue, funny dialogue, and great rapport and flow between all the characters. This was a tremendously fun story from start to finish, with a lot of great twists that make you laugh out loud.

Again, a little bit more bad-attitude than I like, but it didn't rise to a level that it spoiled the story.

Link to larger cover images and interior pages for NEW AVENGERS:

So... I'm amazed to have read two Marvel titles this month, where for a change, I didn't feel cheated and want my money back. Where, for a change, I once again, like in a better era, read a few comics and thought: Wow, that was great !

And I sincerely hope they can sustain it, because I'd like to read more issues like this.