A Year ago, I would've told you to have a drink. But, since I went on the wagon, I can't do that in good conscience.

Son, I was in your position once. Hell, it drove me to drinkin'. But eventually, after I sobered up, I finally realized.... fuck it. fuck 'em.

These bitches want to spend their lives fucking some trogolodite who probably beats 'em and/or mentally abuses 'em, fine. More power to 'em. I don't need the psycho bitches anyway.

...Unfortunately, the majority of women are those said psycho bitches. So, I'm still alone. But, I really don't care.

Neither should you.


Well, lemme give you another little parable... for the past 20 years, I been a decent enough guy (online persona notwithstanding). Ain't got me nothing 'cept a whole bunch of tattoos (which I love dearly). My former best friend, treats his old lady like shit, cheats on her, she walks in on him in the act of cheating, a week later, she's fucking him again. His sex life has never been better.

You're probably more depressed than ever right now, so let me get to the denoument...

Right now, he's a mental wreck, torturing himself over what he pissed away, alone, panicking, and that whole bit, but if I play my cards exceptionally right, I could nail her.

Sometimes, the nice guys do win. If ya just keep that in mind, it'll help the shit sandwich go down much better until yo' ass is the one winning.

The cigarettes help, too. Marlboro Menthols have been my friends for 2 years now.

I suppose the moral to this story is... learn to love country music. Distract yourself with comics, TV, Whatever it takes. But get it offa yer mind, because if you keep obsessing about it and pulling the "oh, woe is me" shit, you're not going to do anything but sink further into depression.

Oh, and don't start drinking! People are still telling me shit that I did from my drinking days that blows my fucking mind.

That's about it.

First National Bastard -Enormous, Sexually Voracious Lecher... who wants to claim your immortal soul!!!. Every time you masturbate, God Kills a kitten! Please... think of the Kittens. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!!