Snarf, my friend, I'm gonna assume that you actually do want to meet, date, fall hopelessly in love, and eventually take the relationship wherever it's gonna go. So, in the interest of helping you achieve said goal, I'm gonna offer you some advice:

First of all, lose the attitude! Read your initial post again. You will never, EVER, turn your perceived losing streak around with that kind of pathetic, hangdog attitude. Desperation, self-pity, and bitterness do not get you ladies unless they too are pathetic and bitter themselves.

You need to realize, in the words of that classic movie SWINGERS, that you are money, baby! Confidence is the first step to catching you a gal. Those assholes of which you speak? The ones that get all the babes, then treat 'em like shite, but always have them come back for more? They have arrogance that the gals perceive as supreme confidence and are attracted to. Get into the mindset that you are a good-looking, intelligent, well-spoken guy and BELIEVE it! Do that, and your several steps ahead of the game.

Secondly, stop watching Sex In The City and don't be afraid to walk away! I'm not implying that you actually do watch that show, but I am saying that you fall into a trap that is easy to get into but difficult to get out of: You, to some degree, believe that you need to be in a relationship and, as a result, give off the vibe of desperation, neediness, and clinginess. Which will keep the girls away in droves. If you can get past the need for the relationship, you will come across more naturally and your real personality will shine through. Girls dig a dude who just acts naturally and doesn't give off that clingy-guy-vibe. And, if the chick you attract doesn't interest you or thing just don't seem to be heading where you want to go, don't be afraid to say thanks-but-no-thanks. Why settle?

Thirdly, cultivate and expand on your interests. Go see movies. Read. Listen to country music. Play guitar. Hit those restaurants that you've heard are good. The wider a variety of interests you have, the greater your chances of meeting someone will be. I'm not saying you should grab a guitar just to get chicks. But if you've been meaning to learn, now's the time! The guy who can list a wide variety of interests is more likely to get the girls than the guy who has a few hobbies. If for no other reason than Renaissance Man gives the impression that he's on the go, interested, interesting, and not stuck at home all the time watching Friends or Seinfeld or whatever.

Date in your caste. I don't mean that in the Indian, "financial or societal" way. But let me use one of these web gals as an example. Stareena is one smart chick. She's well-read, nice, and we all know she's hotter than salsa. There's no reason why I (continuing the example) wouldn't want to date her. Except for a couple of things. She loves motorcycles and bike shows. I don't - matter of fact, I stay as far away from New Hampshire during Bike Week as is humanly possible. She likes Renaissance Fairs. In my neck of the woods, we have King Richard's Faire - a month-long festival of chivalry that you couldn't drag me to on a bet (I've been a couple of times and my gal is in no rush to have me go again). And I'm sure I have a few interests that Stareena would barely be able to keep a straight face about. So, while we might make great friends, dating wouldn't really be an option. The same should go for you: have more interests in common with a girl than not, and you increase your chances of finding the relationship you're looking for.

And, in the meantime, RELAX!!! Aren't you the cat who, on Friday, was telling me about that girl who wanted to hit a strip club with you? Obviously there's a chance for interest to be there. So, chin up! Love will come to you - hell, I'm on Year Six of a relationship that literally came outta NOWHERE! The biggest thing is to believe you can get the girls. Everything else just falls into place...

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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