Who bought it?

How'd ya like it.

I usually buy JLA Anyway, but the Claremont and Byrne news elicited mixed reactions from me. On one hand, they did a great X-Men run... 30 years ago. On the other hand, both have done books I hate with a passion in the past 10 years (Claremont's ruination of the Fantastic Four, Byrne's turning Igor into a Skrull in Hulk: Chapter One). Plus, Byrne's artwork has been... well, less than shpadoinkle the past 10 years, since he's been doing his own inks and all.

However, JLA #94 Was good. The book wasn't padded. There were fuckin' 6-9 panels per page, with words in most of 'em. Of course, that's because DC Supposedly asked Byrne to pad the book for a trade, and Byrne Being Byrne, went the opposite direction. And, Byrne's art is damn near beautiful. If Byrne always had Jerry Ordway ink his pencils, he'd be one of the greats again.

Story-wise, it makes sense so far. I'm not posting any spoilers (I'll leave that for y'all), but it seems like it's gonna be an interesting arc.

Call it DC Using cheap promotional tactics to spike sales if you want, but this is the first time I've really looked forward to JLA since... well, it's been a while. Maybe the old guys still can cut it.

First National Bastard -Enormous, Sexually Voracious Lecher... who wants to claim your immortal soul!!!. Every time you masturbate, God Kills a kitten! Please... think of the Kittens. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!!