saturday ends. sunday begins.

sunday was finally the day of the big arts and music festival. no more crappy cop out "rain delays" or whatever the fuck. this time, its for real!

beautiful weather outside. i don my button down shirt, sandals, and khaki shorts, fulfilling the hoboken stereotype. lex just gets all sortsa sexy in some sorta... shirt... thing. fashion, i don't know. but hot chicks? my specialty.

we hit the streets and run with it! i get 48,000 phone calls from people, but i can't hear any of them, cuz there're 82 million slower, louder people in front of me, draining all the noise and phone-answering will power.

eventually, tho, not only do i get my steak sammidge on the street, i meet up with laquanda. and roxy. and scottie. and my three sisters. and their friends. all separately!

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