From Comics Continuum...


Cartoon Network has relased titles, air dates and synopses for the five episodes of Justice League Unlimited.

Here's how the season is described by the network:

"As the season begins, Superman addresses an awesome assemblage of heroes. He and the rest of the Justice League, which in the past included the Flash, Green Lantern, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl, have come to realize that the universe might be best served by enlarging the group, being more proactive and coordinating more effectively. The group assembles an awesome collection of superheroes and brings them together aboard the Watchtower, the orbiting space station. It's from this perch that Martian Manhunter monitors goings-on across the galaxies and assigns teams of superheroes to tackle problems.

"But it isn't always smooth sailing for the members of the expanded Justice League. Superheroes usually work alone and have powerful, and idiosyncratic, personalities, so conflicts inevitably arise. Like any co-workers, these people don't always agree on the best way to solve a problem. But in the case of the new Justice League, these superheroes are dealing with civil wars, rogue criminals and rampaging monsters, so they must learn to work together.

"The new roster of Justice League Unlimited includes some of the most famous superheroes around, like Green Arrow, Supergirl and Captain Atom. Other members may be a bit more obscure. Hawk & Dove are siblings with a very different take on conflict resolution techniques. B'wana Beast is a jungle man-turned-superhero, a combination of the Bronx and the Bronx Zoo. The Atom is the world's smallest superhero. Booster Gold, a glory-seeking hero from the future, joins the Justice League, as does Zatanna, a beautiful magician and sorceress. While there is a universe filled with new threats, a few classic villains return, including Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy and Mongul."

Following is a rundown of the first five episodes:

* Saturday, July 31: "Initiation"
A reluctant Green Arrow is asked to join the new Justice League. He, Supergirl and Captain Atom are dispatched on a mission to stop a rampaging nuclear monster in Asia.

* Saturday, Aug. 7: "For the Man Who Has Everything"
Batman and Wonder Woman surprise Superman at the Fortress of Solitude, in order to bring the Man of Steel his birthday present. But when they arrive, he has been immobilized by a special "gift" that Mongul has delivered to him.

* Saturday, Aug. 14: "Hawk and Dove"
Two siblings, one a pacifist and the other more aggressive, join Wonder Woman in a mission to stop a war between two neighbors. It turns out that the escalation of the conflict is all part of Ares' plan to spread misery.

* Saturday, Aug. 21: "Fearful Symmetry"
When Supergirl begins having some very disturbing dreams, she gets help from Green Arrow and The Question to figure out what is happening. It turns out she may not be dreaming after all.

* Saturday, Aug. 28: "Kids' Stuff"
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are transformed into 8-year-olds in a desperate attempt to save the world from the magic of Mordred.

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006