I watched it yesterday during a short break while I was at home. It was highly amusing.

All quotes aren't exact . . . but they're pretty damn close.

* The child version of John Stewart as GL is the closest you'll probably ever see to him being like Kyle . . . including the "mask" which were his idea of "cool glasses" since Bruce made fun of his "dorky" glasses that first appeared on his face ("I must need them again.").

* Diana smacking the back of Clark's head in a, "Stop wasting time!" thing.

* "Man, for someone with 50 kinds of vision you sure are blind."

* "We'll find all your mothers . . . and I'm gonna tell!"

* "Now that's a job for Superman."

* "I change my mind, I'll go with Bruce."

* "Your girl from Troy sure is bossy."
"Shut up."

* "Mommy!"

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006