
Wednesday said:
I enjoyed the episode, as I have every JLU episode so far, but overall I thought it was a bit too liberally biased, and that's saying a lot considering I'm a liberal.

I understand the message Zimmerman was trying to get across (it ain't too hard to figure out) but I think it would have said a lot more if the brothers Hawk and Dove had somehow come to an understanding, or even seen each other halfway, to defeat Ares' plan. A little give from BOTH sides would have been nice to see.

The ending was a bit too "nice & easy" for me. Both sides just walked away? I know this is a toon, but come on . . . I don't think that'd happen . . . and I know there'll be more "aftermath" that we won't see. I just feel kinda like it was too abrupt.

How could they both give though? Do you really think that Hawk would be able to just stand there in front of the machine/armour and do nothing?

I do have to say though, the big in the Invisible Jet when they're talking about who works in the Pentagon (was it the Pentagon?) made me chuckle.

I also would've like to see more of Hephestus & Ares with Diana . . . those sceens were way too short. This is one of the times I'd like to have an hour to flesh it out some more . . . especially to give more of a clue as to Diana's anger/rage "of late".

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006