
Bianca said:
The ending was a bit too "nice & easy" for me. Both sides just walked away? I know this is a toon, but come on . . . I don't think that'd happen . . . and I know there'll be more "aftermath" that we won't see. I just feel kinda like it was too abrupt.

Me2. The ending also left me with that not-so-satisfied feeling. It was all too easy.


Bianca said:
How could they both give though? Do you really think that Hawk would be able to just stand there in front of the machine/armour and do nothing?

Don't know exactly how I would have done it, so I suppose I'm not in the best position to make this point. I suppose part of my point is that it could have been resolved without depowering the suit. I just wish the brothers had found some way to move past their disagreement and work TOGETHER to solve the problem. That would have had a less partisan and, therefore, a more universally acceptable message.


Bianca said:
I do have to say though, the big in the Invisible Jet when they're talking about who works in the Pentagon (was it the Pentagon?) made me chuckle.

I also would've like to see more of Hephestus & Ares with Diana . . . those sceens were way too short. This is one of the times I'd like to have an hour to flesh it out some more . . . especially to give more of a clue as to Diana's anger/rage "of late".

Seems their really focusing on the new members as much as possible this season, and I can't blame them really. The episodes with only JL-era members seem to be more balanced in this respect.

And I wish that Invisible Jet scene would have been longer.