
Chewy Walrus said:
Some questions I had looking at these pictures:

Why does Superman need a suit to breathe/move in space?

Even in the episodes for WB episodes of Superman, he always had some kind of space suit or breather when he went into space. So, as for "why"...got me, other than they're sticking with the animated continuity.


Chewy Walrus said:
Why does Green Lantern have that gay-ass goatee?

Perhaps this is the male version of getting over someone? "She's gone, so maybe I'll just grow some facial hair to look all bad-ass."


Chewy Walrus said:
Isn't S.T.R.I.P.E. a robot with a guy inside? Wouldn't he still need oxygen to survive? If so, why is he in space?

Don't know since I don't know this character at all.


Chewy Walrus said:
Who the hell is this guy supposed to be?!

Umm, I've been told it's Starman. **shrug**

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006