
Chewy Walrus said:
Some questions I had looking at these pictures:

Why does Superman need a suit to breathe/move in space?

As has been said, Post-Crisis, Superman requires O2, much like most carbon-based lifeforms. Personally, I love that limitation. One of my major nitpicks is seeing Supes hanging out in space, with no oxygen supply, and breathing normally. I mean, if we are going to attempt some minute adult-like drama with this character, let's at least use the science we have at hand in the real world to help define him.


Chewy Walrus said:
Why does Green Lantern have that gay-ass goatee?

I don't know. Maybe they're taking cues from Avery Brooks, the toughest black man ever to step foot in space. Or, maybe he just looks better that way. And he does. And, just because you can't grow one, doesn't make goatees "gay", Chewness.....


Chewy Walrus said:
Isn't S.T.R.I.P.E. a robot with a guy inside? Wouldn't he still need oxygen to survive? If so, why is he in space?

Didn't you just answer your own question? He's a guy inside a robotic suit. If he's up there, then, I think it's assumable that it has a portable oxygen supply. And, if I were inside a metal container like that, I'd want one no matter what I was doing, or where I was....


Chewy Walrus said:
Who the hell is this guy supposed to be?!

That is Steve Ditko's "Prince Gavyn", called Starman. He was the Starman of the 70's. He would later go on to carry a Moses-like staff in which to conduct his abilities through. He was last seen in Crisis on Infinite Earth's #10, where he sacrificed himself to save his home planet. In James Robinson's STARMAN series, another Starman (the one from the 80's....I can't remember his name) has been impersonating him recently.

Grimm made the comment the other night, while watching this episode, that the creators of this cartoon must really be Steve Ditko fans, as they are using alot of his character (ala' Hawk & Dove, the Question, Starman, etc.)