**Spoilers....uh....Just in Case...**

Okay, so, I don't normally watch this show. For one reason, it comes on at such odd hours, I can never seem to catch it on time. And, another, it always wants to showcase fucking Supergirl in the intro, which I think pretty much kills the show for me.

HOWEVER....and I mean however....

I accidentally caught the Superman VS Capt Marvel episode. Fantastic! Lots of fun and explosions and hitting things. All I wanted.

And, I caught one last night where the Big 7 unite to stop Braniac/Luthor.


I only caught the last ten minutes where they were battling him, so, I have no idea what was going on. But, damn what a fight! And finally....FINALLY they gave Flash his due. I got so pumped the moment he started coming from all sides, faster, and faster, and faster! And then, when he just started hammering into him at superspeed! FUCKING AWESOME!!

LOVED what I saw of this episode. Really.

Can anyone tell me when they are releasing this show by the season on DVD? I mean, what's the freaking hold up? Every other show kicks them out by the season within moments of debuting. I want to OWN this series, so I can watch all the ones I missed.

Also, what's with the "dismantling" the Watchtower and all? Are they about to try and conform to the Alex Ross gayfest-Superfriends book he's putting out? Or, is it the other way around?

Thanks for any input...