
Beardguy57 said:

r3x29yz4a said:
most of this season sucked. the only good episodes were the two flash-centric ones.
Even the fight with darkseid in the finale seemed pointless after the one in the Superman TAS finale.

I tend to agree here on this one..but, I will think fondly on episodes like the one where the JLA first met, the one where Wonder Woman got turned into a pig and Batman had to sing to get her back to normal, the one where GL, Hawkgirl, Jonnz, and Flash went to a parallel Earth and met a group that was a knock off of the JSA, then there was the Metamorpho one, and the ep. where all men caught a disease, the Christmas show, and many other great episodes....

That is how I will remember the League.

i said this season. I enjoyed the other seasons much more. overall, justice league was a great show.

Bow ties are coool.