Both my parents were teachers. My mom retired from teaching 2nd grade, and my dad is now a principal.

I will go as far to say underpaid, but maybe not as far to back a STRIKE. I dunno. Depends on the situation.

We weren't POOR, more like "comfortable on a strict budjet".

My dad usually held a second part-time job while he was teaching.

They didn't get three months summer vacation - there were always teacher work days and workshops they had to attend. If they wanted more pay, they'd take college classes in the summer. And let's not forget - most school systems are heading for that "year round" schedule.

So, As mentioned above, teachers take their work home with them. The lesson plans, i remember, were the worst on my mom. She had to map out in detail what she would be teaching for the month, day by day. Papers to grade at cards...prep for the next's not all done in that 7 hours a day. And there's always those kids who don't want to be there and the parents could care less, that the teacher must SOMEHOW get through the material. That takes extra time.

Besides the work, there's a lot of emotional baggage a teacher will take home with them, as well. They care about the students even after they are gone (good teachers will, anyway). They have to handle situations but they are also restricted in how they handle them. Not everything is by-the-book. I believe it gets worse the younger you go - imagine babysitting 30 or more 6 year olds all day.