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After way too long a hiatus, I'm resurrecting one of my favorite topics from the old DC boards.

But first, I have to post it in something close to the context in which it was originally written. There were a number of conservatives/Christians -vs- liberals/non-Christians topics back in the day on the DC boards. Often laid into when topics arose about gay comic characters, or topics speculating about characters being gay, or other more overtly political and less comic-related discussions, where gay issues or Christian issues were raised.

Most of these topics lasted about two or three days before our beloved moderator mercifully deleted them.

But this one went on at some length:

[ original topic web-address, long since deleted, link no longer active ]
Mike S. Miller, posted September 18, 2000, 4:55 AM:
PLEASE, let's try this again without all you anti-Christians trying to start trouble.
Christ is rarely portrayed in comics. Actually, never, that I recall.
And Christians are rarely portrayed in a light that reflects what a true Christian soul is like.
Sure, you can have your sleazy tele-evangelist characters and your sin-enjoying priest characters.
But a calm, rational, loving, giving caring Christian character?
In comics? At DC ? Anyone know of any ?
I mean, besides Ma Kent.
Mike S. Miller
Drawin' for God


Abin_Sur, posted September 18, 2000, 5:23AM:
Well, I'm not really an expert or anything. But the whole entire concept of the Spectre is Christian. First he was about vengeance and punishing the wicked, and now he's about redemption and all of that.
Other than that? Well, Zauriel is a Christian character. Besides that, Supergirl and Nightwing. And that doesn't even go into Nightcrawler from the X-MEN.
Oh, BTW, nice to see you again, Mr. Miller, after that big flame war. If you ever get tired of this thread, here's another you can come and post about:
[ again, long deleted, this link is also no longer active ]
What's the subject of it? Nothing at all. It's a constant evolving discussion about anything. Examples? You want to go talk about a movie you just saw and think it should be praised as the best thing around? Go ahead and do so. Only rules are:
-More relaxing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Abin_Sur - Because you gotta like a red alien in a GL suit...
Member of the JSAAA Yahoo Club

Which was a very pleasant and tame beginning. But it got very ugly after that. And went on for 23 pages of about the most bitter and angry flame-war I've ever seen.

In response, Ubermisfit, one of the resident genius humorists of the old DC boards, started this topic a few days later:

[ again, link no longer active ]

Ubermisfit, posted October 1 2000, 10:39 AM:
PLEASE, let's try this again, without all you anti-Cheese people trying to start trouble.
Cheese is rarely portrayed in comics. Actually never, that I can recall.
And Cheeses are rarely portrayed in a light that reflects what a true Cheese product is like.
Sure, you can have your sleazy velveeta and your sin-enjoying blue cheese. But a calm, rational, loving, giving, caring Cheese? son?
In comics? At DC? Anyone know of any?
I mean, besides Captain Marvel.

Donnie's Mom, posted October 1, 2000, 10:53 AM:

JerichoFan, posted October 1, 2000, 11:09 AM:
I loved cheese, but I'm lactose intolerant. Ah, the good old days... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
But Gar ordered a grilled-cheese sandwich in TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS # 55 when he was having a heart-to-heart chat with Slade about Terra.

Speedy, the smackhead, posted October 1, 2000, 11:09 AM:
Hmmm, that's a good one...
I have no clue who might worship Cheese in the DCU...
except maybe

DavidEdwardMartin, posted October 1, 2000, 11:14 AM:
Man, I am sitting here racking my middle-aged brain and I cannot recall a single depiction of cheese in any non-anthropomorphic DC comic !
Plainly, this is censorship of the worst order !
So... what cheese does Superman eat?
"The thing about late night cookery was that it made sense at the time. It always had some logic to it. It just wasn't the kind of logic you used around mid-day."
Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent

Ubermisfit, posted October 1, 2000, 11:22 AM:
Donnie's Mom, posted October 1, 2000, 10:53 AM:

Look, just because you don't like cheese gives you no reason to be intolerant to those of us who do enjoy cheese!
To make a blanket statement like the one you made is ignorant and intolerable !
I can respect your opinion, but when you start bashing our beliefs without any logical reason, you are being intolerant!
The Book of Provolone clearly says: "I am the cheese. Those who do not believe me or any of my tasty products shall not be allowed into Cheesyland on Cheese Day!"
Now, you can take chances if you want to, but I plan on being in Cheesyland on Cheese Day.
I can only hope you learn to accept cheese before it is too late.

Speedy, the smackhead, posted October 1, 2000, 12:32 AM:
Let's not forget the main character of Preacher:
Cheesy Custard...
I can't believe I actually forgot him in my first post.
Goudamit !

Stephanie, posted October 1, 2000, 12:41 PM:
Can't we all just get along?
It doesn't matter if you like natural cheese, goat cheese or soy cheese, processed cheese, spray can cheese, powder cheese, soylent cheese or whatever !
We should put aside our differences and live in harmony.

Zatara, The Magician, posted October 1, 2000, 12:52 PM:
Has everyone forgotten the great religious tome, which revealed its truth to us all?
Why, of course I refer to those blessed little scallywags, MILK and CHEESE !
Bow before their reckless chicanery, seek their truth, or surely you will die !

! Scimoc CD daeR : eeht dnammoc I

Soylent Green, posted October 1, 2000, 6:05 PM:
Cheese is blatantly discriminated against in comics.
I direct your attention to the ONI Double Feature # 1, starring Jay and Silent Bob. It features a short one-pager featuring the characters "Milk & Cheese".
However, both Milk and Cheese are portrayed as "dentally retarded", assaulting hapless people and stealing their teeth. Hardly a positive portrayal of dairy products.
I wrote to the editors protesting this but received no reply.
I urge ALL cheese lovers to follow my lead and boycott all ONI press publications.
Another example. In an issue of Deadpool, Wade told Blind Al to give Zoe and Monty some cheese and crackers. We never saw whether she did or not. Another blatant case of discrimination against cheese.
If cheese is only going to get a token mention, then it's not worth it.
And, of course, it's portrayed as a stereotype, as if all cheese has to be "with crackers".
I also wrote to Marvel, but again, no response.
In times like this, I find it best to ask: What would Cheesus do?

CarrinaWinters, posted October 1, 2000, 8:32 PM:
Oh, what gouda does all this debate do? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
"There can only be one"
-Connor Macleod

raptor, posted October 1, 2000, 8:33 PM:
I like to eat a good Greek feta when reading WONDER WOMAN,
string cheese while reading PLASTIC MAN,
Cheese Whiz when reading THE FLASH,
hunter's cheese when reading THE HUNTRESS,
Monteray Jack when reading STARMAN,
and Bleu Cheese when reading BLUE BEETLE

Captain Call, posted October 1, 2000, 8:38 PM:
When you read NIGHTWING, you should try some Di...
Never mind...
"I hate a man that talks rude, I won't tolerate it."
"Does he know he's your son?"
"I suppose he does --I give him my horse."
"Your horse but not your nam? You haven't even given him your name?"
"I put more value on the horse..."



"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."

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Ubermisfit, posted October 1, 2000, 9:07 PM:
Provolone is my cheese, cheeseherders raised him from the dead after 3 days in a fridge. And now he sits next to the swiss cheese preparing a place for His Cheesiness.
It is through my Provolone that I have been saved from the penalty of not eating cheese. Not by anything that I do, but by the grace Provolone bestows on me every day, out of His unfailing love for me. This grace being that Provolone sacrificed Himself to pay for the hunger in me and everyone else in the world.
Now that I am freed from not eating cheese, I can devote myself to following the example of Provolone and obeying His commands.
Just had to get that out of the way, because I was starting to have a difficult time distinguishing here between the believers and those who don't believe. Didn't want anyone else to be confused about my cheese preferences.
Would I be presumptuous in saying that some of you have no problem with the message of Cheese, as long as you don't have to eat it?
This is an admonishment to cheese eaters reading this: If you are backing what the "Book of Provolone" says says because you don't want to be labelled as lactose intolerant, or if "live and let live" seems reasonable, I say you should check your cheesestyle. Because it sounds like you've got something to repent for. Provolone doesn't like hypocrisy.
Lo, those of you claiming the name cheese eater, but have no clue what it means:
Read the "Book of Provolone" !
Do you know what you call a person not a regular eater of cheese, who converts to eating cheese? A convert.
Do you know what you call people whose parents ate cheese, who are raised in a cheese-eating environment, who don't eat cheese? Anything but a cheese eater.
Look it up. It's in the cheese eater handbook (the Book of Provolone, in its cheesy part).
To those who don't eat cheese (non-Cheese Eaters, anti-Cheese eaters, quasi-Cheese Eaters, or combinations of the above):
I'm sorry you don't eat cheese. For me, and for you.
However, using cheese products you don't believe to be tasty is not an effective debating technique. I mean, many of you who disagree with my beliefs say that using the Book of Provolone to prove the validity of Cheese Eating is bad logic and makes us look stupid.
Some of you are trying to use the Book of Provolone to shut us down:
"Do unto swiss cheese...",
"Judge not the Limberg...",
"Good will toward all cheese..."

Well, I've given a great amount of time studying the Book of Provolone, and well, let's just say that using it to stop a Cheese eater from eating cheese, or from getting on your nerves, or from pushing their monteray jack down your throat, or however you view it, is not going to happen.
To some of you, I've been offensive. Good ! I was trying to be. It's part of the description of what eating Cheese is.
Provolone came to bring gas, not peace.
I have spoken on that before a few pages ago, so I won't repeat myself. Some will say that you have Cheese eating friends who have never offended you. I say you either haven't known them long enough, or they are not Cheese eaters.
Hey, don't look shocked. Yes, I did have the audacity to say that someone ain't a Cheese eater if they ain't offending you. Part of the job description. Can't be a piece of cheese if you don't taste cheesy, right?
Same thing. Hey, I didn't make this up, it's in the Handbook when we take the job. (Hey, I know the word hypocriteis going through some of your minds, and I believe I know why, but I'll wait until someone calls me on it before I say anything about it. Hope that's okay.)
For all you Cheese haters out there, let me tell you I know the truth. You say you hate chesse, when you really hate the cheese substitute.
It's not a game you wish to play, because it's hard. But hey, if it wasn't hard, then everyone would do it. ( I got that from Tom Hanks.) But there's this part in the Handbook that talks about that too.


Soylent Green, posted October 2, 2000, 12:59AM:
"lactose intolerant". Heh.
Classic ! Best post I've read in a long time.
Or as Mike Miller would say: "Speak it, brotha !"


DavidEdwardMartin, posted October 2 2000, 1:08 AM:
Oh man, I just realized...
or take it apart, looking for a hidden message:
"U A God" !!!!!!!


Jeffry with 1 e, posted October 2 2000, 2:14 AM:
I grew up in Wisconson.
Oh, the power of cheese.


Scott Free, posted October 2, 2000, 2:34 AM:
I've created a monster.


Soylent Green, posted October 2, 2000, 2:37 AM:
Jeffry, your user-name reminds me of that Pixies song. Jefrey with one f jefrey.
About that Nightwing joke...
I saw a loaf of french bread in the supermarket once that was described on a sign as :
Crusty French Stick, cheese covered.
Say it out loud, then ask if you'd want to eat it. Ew.


Typhoon Dave, posted October 2, 2000, 4:26 AM:
Wasn't there acharacter in Captain CArrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew called "Little Cheese"? A rat in a red and white costume with a piece of cheese on his chest?
You guys are semi-matured. You should know fetta than this.


Closer, posted October 2, 2000, 4:29 AM:
Nice !


Soylent Green, posted October 2, 2000, 4:42 AM:
Hey Typhoon,
Speaking of cheesy, how about the closing ceremony? I could only stand about 2 minutes, but I heard KOYLIE made an appearance. Hardly the image I'd want the world to see.
Comic related, doesn't Iron Fist's power come from focused chi(eese) ?


Typhoon Dave, posted October 2, 2000, 4:52 AM:
Didn't catch the closing. Bah-humbug. There were fireworks on here (51st anniversary of the Chinese Communist Revolution of all things, celebrated in capitalist Hong Kong. So we sat around paying a fortune for vodka and red bull at a bar and watched the fireworks. Horray for communism.
I thought Iron Fist's power came from focused brie.


Insomnia Boy, posted October 2, 2000, 4:55 AM:
The Nature Boys embrace all cheeses as one. Our religion is Unicheesitarian.
Lots of coffee is supposed to make you sleepier, right?


Typhoon Dave, posted October 2, 2000, 5:09 AM:
Some people say I'm Mozzarelan. I think I'm more Camambertianity.

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page 2:


Bibbo, posted October 2 2000, 5:16 AM:
Cheese is my god !
I think if Hourman brought cheese with his bologna, his series would not have been cancelled.


Stephanie, posted October 2, 2000, 5:53 AM:
I'm very happy that comics have milk ads in them. I only wish they'd promote cheese more.
Avengelyne and Warrior Nun Areala.
And Magdalena, while I'm at it.
These are sword-weilding warriors of God. Who also happen to wear skimpy outfits.
Why don't comic creators come up with a cheese thing like this? All of the dairy farmers I know are exactly like these women. Is there some weird phase in history where Cheese manufacturers were not sexy warriors with attitude?


Soylent Green, posted October 2, 2000, 6:03 AM:
Yeah, where are the cheese ads?
I wanna see Stone Cold, Jackie Chan, Lucy Lawless, et al with a face full of congealed dairy !
Got Cheese?
Actually, I think Lucy Lawless comes from Taranaki, which is the main source of dairy farming in my country, so you may not be far off there, Stephanie.


Typhoon Dave, posted October 2, 2000, 6:13 AM:
"I may disabrie with what you eat but I will defend to the death your right to eat it. "


Dave the Wonder Boy, posted October 2, 2000, 8:25 AM:
It's a disciplined belief, this cheese-worship. It separates father from son, sister from brother, and ultimately...
the cheese stands alone.


Speedy the smackhead, posted October 2, 2000, 10:08 AM:
I'm sorry, but you are all blind. You don't see the world for what it really is...
Let it be known that Cheesus is the true son of Gouda. You shall not escape his wrath...
Should you not repent, you will forever be cast into the pits of Mozzarell ! To burn in liquid cheese for eternity !!!


The4thpip, posted October 2, 2000, 10:09 AM:
If y'all had worshipped THE BIG RED CHEESE, Power of Shazam would not have gotten cancelled. Yer all hypocrites!


Speedy, the smackhead, posted October 2, 2000, 10:09 AM:
Behold, the power of Cheese !


Stephanie, posted October 2, 2000, 12:11 PM:
I cannot believe I totally forgot to mention this Cheese loving comic book character:
Groo will jump into a vat of cheese dip and consume all the contents.
I suggest we all do the same.


The Time Trust, posted October 2, 2000, 4:58 PM:
Arteries... clogging... can't... type...


The Time Trust, posted October 2, 2000, 4:59 PM:
Arteries... clogging... can't... type...


Shazamgrrl, posted October 2, 2000, 6:24 PM:
Uh-oh! The dreaded double post !
BTW, I like Swiss, Provolone, Blarney (an Irish Swiss-type cheese) and Captain Marvel. Heh heh.
Barkeep, another Michon, please


Carrina Winters, posted October 2, 2000, 7:41 PM:
Wait a minnit ! If there is a cheese god, is there a cheese goddess?
Worship the power of Cheese.
Even the moon is made out of green cheese.
"There can only be one."
--Connor Macleod


Son of the Eagle, posted October 2, 2000, 8:02 PM:
Cheese is but a Rennaissance myth created to oppress the common man. It was invented by a select group of Illuminati, along with several Knights Templar, just prior to the Imperial Diet of Worms, in April 1521.
This was done expressly to drive a wedge between Martin Luther and Charles the Fifth, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, so that they would not locate the Holy Grail.
The proof of this is simple. If they really had cheese, would they have been dieting on worms? I think not...
Son of the Eagle
The attitude has returned to the brother...
"Redirect instead of subdue,
subdue instead of injure,
injure instead of maim,
maim instead of kill,
kill instead of die."
Ridicule thy fellow man.


Radu is My Idol, posted October 2, 2000, 8:55 PM:
I am a Nature Boy, hence I am Unicheesearian.
"Now my book, White-Hating Coon, doesn't have any of that bullsh**. The hero's name is Maleekwa, and he's a descendant of the black tribe that established the first society on the planet, while all you European motherf***ers were still hiding in caves and sh**, all terrified of the sun. He's a strong role model that a young black reader can look up to. 'Cause I'm here to tell you: The chickens are comin' home to roost y'all; the black man's no longer gonna play the minstrel in the medium of comics and Sci-Fi/Fantasy. We're keepin' it real, and we're gonna get respect, by any means necessary."
--Hooper, in Chasing Amy


Soylent Green, posted October 2, 2000, 11:03 PM:

Son of the Eagle:
Cheese is but a Rennaissance myth created to oppress the common man. It was invented by a select group of Illuminati, along with several Knights Templar, just prior to the Imperial Diet of Worms, in April 1521.
This was done expressly to drive a wedge between Martin Luther and Charles the Fifth, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, so that they would not locate the Holy Grail.

Drive a wedge between them? What kind of a wedge? I'll bet it was Colby (yuk). Couldn't they just have split it?
And don't you actually mean the Holy Grater?


The Indestructible Man, posted October 3, 2000, 12:19 AM
All Hail the Cheese !!!


Soylent Green, posted October 3, 2000, 6:54 AM
When was the last time you had fondue? I love it.
Yea, my cheese is tasty, and doubly so when melted in a pot.
See, I can't believe that fondue was just a random occurrence. To me it suggests the existence of cheese.
It strikes me as way too coincidental that this amazing melted substance that tastes like cheese could be created without the existence of cheese.
Anyway, who thinks we cheese eaters should get our own "Cheeseboard"? ME.


Typhoon Dave, posted October 3, 2000, 7:38 AM
Stop mocking religion! I'm getting really cheesed off with you guys...


redrob1, posted October 3, 2000, 8:56 AM
I am not sure you can believe in milk and cheese at the same time.
Gadzooks, you guys have created a meunster!


redrob1, posted October 3, 2000, 12:51 PM
I am complelled to admit my perversity here, surrounded by my cheese-loving friends, in hopes of getting the help I so desperately need.
I enjoy my cheese with salami.
Oh, what a great burden off my heart, to admit my weakness in a public forum. I feel cleansed.
With your support, I can taper off my habit to the point where I can look a Slim-Jim in the eye and laugh.


Serenity and Courage, posted October 3, 2000, 1:51 PM
Is it really necessary to devote a whole topic to: "DC Fans who love Cheese and the Gospel of Cheese"?
Hey, don't get me wrong, I like cheese as much as the next gal, but come on.
I must admit, though, I've never laughed so hard in my life. The people at work think I've finally flipped my lid. In fact, they said "I think the cheese has finally fallen off her cracker."
What would Cheesus do?

Speedy the smackhead, posted October 2, 2000, 10:08 AM:
I'm sorry, but you are all blind. You don't see the world for what it really is...
let it be known that Cheesus is the true son of Gouda. You shall not escape his wrath...
should you not repent, you will forever be cast into the pits of Mozzarell ! To burn in liquid cheese for eternity !!!


Closer, posted October 3, 2000, 1:51 PM
You are... whole again.
If you think you're free, you aren't thinking...
Nature Boy Hall-of-Famer


page 3:


DavidEdwardMartin, posted October 4, 2000, 8:06 PM
Okay, everyone turn to page 43 of your hymnal--
"Oh, what a friend we have in Cheeses..."


Helix, posted October 4, 2000, 8:12 PM

Soylent Green:
When was the last time you had fondue? I love it.

You are not a TRUE Cheesist, as proven by your fondue deviation.
Sure, anyone can CALL themself a Cheesist. But their actions must be consistent with the Gospel of Cheese to be a true Cheesist.
And of course, I am a true Cheesist. And if you disagree with me, you are a false Cheesist, and will BURN in the lake of liquid cheese... which is to say, fondue.


CarrinaWinters, posted October 4, 2000, 8:22 PM
Is anyone else fond of fondue?


IP Freely, posted October 4, 2000, 8:22 PM
Why do women slap me when I ask if I can fondue them?


Soylent Green, posted October 4, 2000, 9:02 PM
I confess ! I have partaken in false cheeses !
Fondue !
And cheese flavored corn snacks !
I repent !
I wish to be let into Cheesyland on Cheese Day !
I also can't use any puctuation apart from exclamation marks !
See !


Zatara, the Magician, posted October 4, 2000, 11:23 PM
Our Cheddar, who art in cupboard,
hallowed be thy taste.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
in casseroles as it is in salads.
Give us this day our Cheese and bread,
and forgive us our cheap wine glasses,
as we imbibe those that inebriate us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Vegans.
For Thine is the flavor, and the texture, and the gouda,
now and forever.
Ahh cheeses.


Llance, posted October 5, 2000, 12:04 AM
I distinctly remember that Perry White hates ketchup on cheese!
This, of course is from way back during the Silver Age. I believe it was an issue of Jimmy Olsen !
-- once over and I'm both, a cheese and a ketchup lover ! --


Soultaker II, posted October 5, 2000, 5:43 AM
If you've got a cheese problem, then you've got to wash a little better...

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I'm conflicted.

I love Jesus and cheese...

...I think Jesus might win out in the long run, though.

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Holy cheese on a cracker, I forgot how damn funny that topic was.

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Chewy Walrus said:
I'm conflicted.

I love Jesus and cheese...

...I think Jesus might win out in the long run, though.

Jesus allways wins. He's got that son of God thing going for him.

Last edited by Lothar of The Hill People; 2004-06-19 10:46 PM.

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I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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But Cheese offers so much diversity and choice....

And Superman's favorite is blue cheese

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Last night's debate between the candidates reminded me of this topic, in all its unapologetic cheesiness.

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Lot of famous names in that transcript. Closer (theory9), Radu Is My Idol, Typhoid Dave (First Amongst Daves), Carrina Winters, TTT, and even Shazzzamgrrrl.

Oh nostalgia. If only we could go back to the OPPT Forum...

Of note, I think I actually made a couple of posts in Mike S. Miller's thread. He's such a tool...

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Typhoon Dave!

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After a long absence... the cheese returns!

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