I didn't say you didn't deserve to win, and I certainly never called anyone a moron. It's just frustrating that while guys like you and I put a good deal of time in this (not as much as others, granted, but a fair amount nonetheless), we still come up on the short end, while people who rarely if ever post here win matches left and right.

And you said I lost, so get some heat from it. What else would you call claiming moral victory? I can't even do that now, thanks to Marcum's last post on the SummerScam thread. I certainly didn't mean to step on toes; I was using what he posted as a further springboard.

I've done a lot of spinning after losing, 'cause that's all I seem to do at Pay-Per-Views. Maybe if I created a couple dozen alt id's whose sole purpose was add votes like some others do here, I'd squeak out a few more wins. But instead, I take the high road, and rarely, if ever, use my Fans id to vote (though part of that is because I'm to lazy to log out and then back in again.)

I want to keep posting here, but only as long as it remains fun. It's starting to get less than fun.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!