I hope Snarf doesn't leave. We're already short of active posters in here as it is. If it will make him reconsider, I'm willing to be stripped off of the lightweight faggot title and have it given to him. The current storyline I'm developing allows for such a thing. But then again, that's probably not very dignified considering that he wants to look less wimpy and more not wimpy.

To tell you the truth, I never really cared for the votes. When I started posting here I kept losing to everybody. But who gives a fuck, really? I enjoy writing the promos and losing actually gives me the opportunity to do self-decaprating promos Kurt Angle style. And I don't know, I think that actually convinced all of my ALT IDs to start voting for me and then I started winning matches here and there. I don't care. I kind of see this as a writing exercise of sorts and I just pattern the story to whether I lost or not instead of trying to make myself look cool or unstoppable. I mean, the RDCW is like one big story and we help write parts of it, if my character is meant to look bad just to make the whole story look good - then so be it. We're playing characters here, anything negative about them doesn't have anything to do with us - except maybe in JQ's case. He's an assbag to the bone. I think it even goes through his bone so that he's an assbag from front to back....

I think Nowhereman's attitude kinda pissed you off, but then again, that's nowhereman. He's a cunt, that much is common knowledge and I don't think anybody actually believes him if he says that you're a crybaby - unless you actually prove it yourself. And here's the thing, maybe Nowhereman is also playing a character? a mean one at that. But in real life, he's actually a very nice englishman - hypothetically speaking of course, we all know Nowhereman is a cunt even in real life. Fuck you, Nowhereman!