
King Snarf said:

Grimm said:
King Snarf. This is gon' take a while. I normally try not to get involved with the stuff that people have thrown out in this forum, but yes you have pissed me off.

I spent damn near three hours writing that replay Sunday night, and gave you far more props than I should have from the way the votes shook down. So for you to zero in on one mistake (yes, I made a damn mistake) and cry out BULLSHIT! is insulting not only to me, but also to your opponent.

I was trying to make the best of a bad situation. Of course, I can't even do THAT now. As for the BULL-SHIT, that wasn't directed at you, but rather whoever the official was. Much how Canadian fans chant "You screwed Bret" at Hebner.


Grimm said:
Now for the last several weeks, you have seemed like you are determined to live up to the "crybaby" tag that Nowhereman slapped onto you. You're complaining that you never win, yet in recent memory I recall you winning a handicap match, as well as you being a major part of Team RDCW in the Wargames. The team that won, I might add.

If you had paid attention, I indicated matches where I was a solo competitor, and PPV matches at that. As for Wargames, I was on the same team as TK; how could I lose?


Grimm said:
And you complain about people being half timers, but you've been half timing for months! If you followed through on half the stuff you put out there, or say you're going to put out there, you could probably be infinitely more popular than you are. It's gotten so bad, that Joe Mama had to work it into the angle in a promo awhile back. And in my opinion, Joe Mama's been carrying you in your feud for the last few months. Hell, you didn't even do any in rings for the ppv you're complaining about! Not to mention keeping us waiting for weeks on end for your stipulation to be announced.

Soo-rry. I have other stuff going on in my life, so excuse me if I always don't feel up to writing a couple of paragraphs worth of promos. (And, yes, I realize I'm going to sound like a hypocrite for poking fun at the doc and you for late posting, but that's all it was. Poking fun.)


Grimm said:We're working damn hard for this place to be fun for everyone, and to get more people in here, but this prima donna shite has got to stop. You're turning people away from you.

Prima donna? Excuse me for getting a little upset about the direction things have taken. I'm not the one who's set it up that I'm getting a title shot (which will probably be won) while holding tag gold, while my partner has a belt of his own, not to mention a prominent role as co-General Manager.


Grimm said:
You seem like an okay guy, but you are taking this stuff way, way, too seriously. I think you need to step back from this for a while and reassess the situation.

I aggree with that last statement. I'm done with this for a while.

Snarf,do you watch wrestling at all?

Do you not see signs in the crowd insulting wrestlers?
Do you not see heel factions with power swaying things in their favour?

Did you not see Grimm lose his Eurotrash belt?

If you dont like it here,dont post here,simple!

You seem to think there is some big conspiracy against you,get over it!