Some good idears here.

TK vs. sumboddah. I don't know what Doc and Snarf up to, but if he wants the shot, go for it.

Nowhereman's IC tourney? Depends on what he's got in mind. Some of the people involved might already be in matches.

As far as I know Joe Mama/SoM are the tag champs, and if so, will wrestle twice as per Nowhereman's stipulations.

Mama/SoM vs. Chewy/Backwards for the tag titles

Mama vs. Grimm for the Eurotrash title, coffin match.

SoM vs. sumboddah, lightweight title.

Bra and Panties elimination match for the women's title. Sounds like a winner.

Legbreakerers vs. Pariah and . . .Ani? Odd team. How about Pariah and JQ?

Penwing? Sammitch? Notwedge? Midnite? Bueller?