Regarding the swerve and the firing of Chris and James.

I created the Louie Bastardo persona in an effort to bring a little more variety to the RDCW, and also to see if I could help some people out who were struggling with the fact that they weren't doing as well as they felt like they should. Chris Oakley and King Snarf became the first two to join this new Bastardo Family, and they've done amazingly well. I think they've both hit their stride and found their niche.

Now storyline wise, Chris and James Fantastic initiated this Bastardo Family split angle without consulting anyone else in the group. Which annoyed me somewhat, because I felt the group as it was still had a ways to go. I wanted to see Nuriko get the Women's belt and JF get the Lightweight belt and have the group dominate for a bit longer before starting something like this.

Oh, well. *shrugs* I have been in contact with Chris since the angle, although I did not let him know about the upcoming swerve (element of surprise and all). Glad you dug it.

But this way plays into what they wanted. The video angle is not ruined, nor even really affected. And we now have the split group that Chris and James seem to have wanted.

On one side Bastardo Family 2.0: Snarf, Louie, JM, and Grace. On the other: Chris, James (yes? no?), Nuriko, Tommy, and Los Monstrous.

As far as notice of termination, the way it's presented in Louie's dialogue in the recap is correct. Remember back, a couple of weeks ago on Havoc, Louie gave everyone a choice. They could come back together as a group, or else. They made their choices, and Louie made his. Notice was given. If people do not pay attention to that, it can't be helped.

You have to remember, this is a fluid, responsive thing here and you need to be aware that when you initiate an angle that someone else may have a counterangle in return. That's just the nature of something like this. Which is why we need to work with each other as much as possible.

It's all good to work out our own angles and what we want to do, but we also have to realize that others are doing the same and be prepared to sometimes compromise and accomodate someone else.

I make stars, baby!