
Joe Mama said:
I got your PM, SPAMM. I don't see changing much. Maybe I'll make your victory a little more one-sided (to reflect the voting), but that's about it. Don't know what to tell you about the voting, though. I know who I voted for, and my leanings in title situations are always to actual posters.

As for the Big Cheese Title, I'm sure it'll be defended before Robblemania. Are you thinking about challenging for it?

Short answer: yeah. Long version: Hell Yeah!

No disrespect to Snarf, who I think's had a good run. But balanced against that is the fact that he's not around very much at the moment. Admittedly, I've no problem with his continuing to be a presence here (after all, Notwedge is a major player in the forum, and he only pops up once in a while). But, I'm not sure that he should be holding such a major title while he's sorta inactive.

Plus, the concept of a slightly bonkers superhero holding the major title in the RDCW is a hilariously bizarre one.