For some time now, we've been working with three Havocs a month plus one ppv a month. That's just the way the schedule works out most of the time.

Doc and I don't watch WWE, so we don't know when their pay per views are, thus we don't follow that schedule. Thus the above schedule worked out. Three Havocs and one ppv every month. Thus, our ppv this month is RobbleMania.

This is the way things have evolved for us. We have to have a bit of a schedule and some organization to keep up with what everyone wants to do as well as accomplish these things we all want to do.

I'm more interested in doing what works for us than trying to blindly follow WWE's schedule. And right now, this is it. Unless of course, you have a better idea.

The date of RobbleMania is March 28, 2005. It's been posted in the promos and the recap thread many times.