You need to nudge Wednesday a little. Send him a PM, and if you have any ideas for him, lay them out. Also, you might want to give him a deadline. Hopefully, Joe will have the recaps up soon. There might be some stuff in there that you can use. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, and all that)

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>