
Nowhereman said:
In fact I would go as far as to say hardly anyone posted a promo this week.
All we got was Me,Louie,Meeko,Howlerama,Darth & JLA.

No Oakley,no Snarf,no Joe,no Charlie,no Sammitch,no Johnny Evil,no El Superbeasto & no James..........all normally regular promo posters.
Louie & Meeko covered some of it but it was still a pretty poor turn out this week!

Yeah, some weeks just don't get many posts. It kinda bugs me some, especially when I feel we've got a strong show posted.

I do know that Johnny Evil is getting married, and I hope he can make a return soon. Fantastic's been sick. But the rest, I dunno.

"Grimm" will be back next week, promos and all. . .