Okay, I'm getting bored with this shit, Snarf.

You think you're the only one who gets pissed about results? What about James Fantastic, who writes killer promo's but gets precisely fuck all for his efforts? Or, in fact, anyone who isn't riding the Family Business gravy train?

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm on the train, 'cos it's got me places I wouldn't otherwise be, but the fact is that it's taken titles away from guys who deserved it and put it in the hands of people who really don't.

Johnny Evil, for instance, hasn't posted a promo in some time, and yet he holds the Lightweight belt. Why? 'Cos he's a Bastardo. Why not put the belt on someone more deserving, like Fantastic? And before people start pointing fingers at me, I don't want a belt, it wouldn't work with my persona as I see it.

Or Sneaky? She's never, ever posted a promo here in any way shape or form, but is allowed to hold the Women's belt for a scandalous length of time. In fairness, no other women wrestlers post here, but it's the principal of the thing.

Just to put things in perspective, I realise that this is all not real yadder yadder yadder, but the fact is that there's a lot of guys that put in major work here, and they don't see any reawrds for it. I know we got this whole public vote thing going on, and I approve of that, but I'm less than pleased about the results.