
Charlie said:
Okay, I'm getting bored with this shit, Snarf.

You think you're the only one who gets pissed about results? What about James Fantastic, who writes killer promo's but gets precisely fuck all for his efforts? Or, in fact, anyone who isn't riding the Family Business gravy train?

Fact is that the Bastardos have the belt because you people voted for it. We've been trying to fudge the results with creative storytelling in some instances to allow posting participants to come out on top of non-posters that beat them fair and square in the polls. The problem is that if we do this too much, guys would start complaining that we're ignoring the votes and are just going to do what we want to no matter what. The bottom line is that we give the posters on this board a stake in the outcomes so that, in the end, it's a group effort. Remember, the RDCW belongs to ALL OF US.


Charlie said:
Or Sneaky? She's never, ever posted a promo here in any way shape or form, but is allowed to hold the Women's belt for a scandalous length of time. In fairness, no other women wrestlers post here, but it's the principal of the thing.

Show me any other woman who posts in this forum as much as her. She hasn't done much promo-wise, but she has been here in the forum and made her presence know. Maybe that's why she's winning. I guarantee you that if you get a female posting in here on a weekly basis and doing promo's, she'll end up with the belt. I think some of you forget how quickly many posters have had a quick turn around in voting performance after a good promo or two. People are paying attention to that.


Charlie said:
Just to put things in perspective, I realise that this is all not real yadder yadder yadder, but the fact is that there's a lot of guys that put in major work here, and they don't see any reawrds for it. I know we got this whole public vote thing going on, and I approve of that, but I'm less than pleased about the results.

Then we've only got two choices here:

    1. Ignore the votes completely. We run it all from the back room just like a regular promotion with a handful of guys deciding who wins and loses.

    2. Keep the polls and have everyone work closer with Grimm, Penwing, Joe Mama, and me. We'll work out everything from the back room and work around poll results based on the consent of all parties involved.

I think we've always said to PM us with ideas and concepts to help this thing run smoother. If you guys don't do that, then we are going to have more and more problems. This shit is just going to fester until people get too pissed off about it and storm off. For the love of Gob, let's just try and be a little more upfront and cooperative here.

And for the record, we have no qualms with humilating posters who bitch about not getting what they want and putting nothing forth as far as promos or recaps. We've had to deal with too many assholes being pushed by us and getting a belt who just turn around and disappear from the forum or even the whole boards right as their title reign begins.

I have spoken.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."