Charlie, as far as you, Fantastic, Spamm, Savitz, & so on. The fact of the matter is that those of us who put these things together DO take into account what you do. We've consistently put you guys and your ideas out there. But most of you are part-time posters at best. You frequently post to set up your matches, but when they're put up (ala last week's Hell in the Cell) you guys are often nowhere to be found to push your match with promos and recaps. I'm not slamming you, I'm just putting forth an observation.

But what you guys have to understand is that the outcome of these things is not all decided by the people of this forum, but the people of the RKMBs as a whole.

Johnny Evil, for instance, has a belt for many reasons. One of the biggest of which is, he's well known and liked across the boards as a whole. I can't stress that enough. Yes, he gets boosts from being a Bastardo, but that's not because of a "gravy train," but rather because that particular angle has succeeded beyond anyone's expectations. As far as him not posting right now, the man happens to be getting married this month. I think we can cut him a bit of slack for that.

On the other end, Fantastic, while putting a lot into this forum, and doing some really good stuff, isn't well known on the boards at all. Thus, our frequent attempts to get him into title contention (specifically the Lightweight belt) haven't amounted to much. And if we were rigging the votes, he would've won that belt a long time ago. Pretty simple.

Nowhereman said it best, we all get shit on in the voting at times. You just have to remember that it's all a game and roll with it. Run with it, have fun with it. If you take it seriously to the point that you get visibly upset with the results, then you need to step back and reevaluate your life.