
King Snarf said:
Fuck you.

no fuck you;, you fucking piece of shit. we've worked our damn asses off for the last two years to make you look like something and all you fucking do is come in here and bitch about shit.

why don't you fucking go and piss off and leave those of us who actually contribute shit to do something and make something out of this forum while self centered bastards like yourself sit around pissing and moaning. I made the louie bastardo id to push people and bring some excitement back into the forum and you fuck around for six months while I made you the fucking world champion and you make four damn posts in six months and call yourself a posting champion when Joe Mama wrote two of your biggest promos which were against saved by the bell alts? go fuck yourself you goddamn piece of shit.

week in and week out and we work our asses off to try and make something entertaining and push people who give a damn and contribute shit and all you wanna fucking do is piss all over anybody else because your fucking feelings got hurt.

you know what? FUCK YOU, YOU SELF CENTERED SON OF A BITCH. go piss off and leave the rest of us to contribute and have some damn fun while you just sit around and complain about everything in your life you whining self absorbed mother fucker.

and if you don't like it I couldn't give two shits.