Snarf,you piss n moan like a little bitch and accuse people off stuff they havent done,yet you have defended your actions with a tissue of self serving shit.

You accuse me of vote rigging,yet it was me who brought up the fact it was being done,and even went as far as to contract Rob to have the method of multiple voting removed.
All the while the main vote rigging was going on,or at least when I belive it was going on,you were constantly winning,I was not,so where is your foundation in that accusation?

Also,how many heavyweight title challenges have I had during the year & a half of this forum?
None,that how many,yet you accuse me of trying to squash you.

You also say that all your angles are one sided.
Well how about the fact that a feud was set up between you n me but you failed to even make one post about it,killing the feud off before it even had a chance to get off the ground!

You also admit you dont give a shit about other peoples posts,yet expect us to care about yours.

As for your match write ups making you look bad,as I said before,I didnt see you defending me when I had what was the worst squash in RDCW history.
Once again its all about you,despite your protestations that other people pick on you.

I really dont care what appologies have been thrown out there,they aint worth shit as far as I am concerned!
You are woefully ignorant of anyone in this forum but you.
We all supported you when you came up with the angle that got you to the heavyweight championship as it was funny as hell,but this so called new angle is not really an angle,its just an excuse for you to piss n moan!

If you dont wanna take other peoples promos into consideration,then I suggest you dont bother posting here ever again!