
King Snarf said:

thedoctor said:

So, you're basically saying that you don't care about anyone's work but your own.

Uh, no. I don't care about really, pointlessly long drivel. It used to be a promo was just a paragraph or two. Now, everyone needs to write out the smallest details and insert pithy commentary from the announcers. I remember one time, I posted what I thought was a promo, just a simple paragraph, and was told by a few folks that that "didn't count" or something. Part of the reason I post sporadically is that I don't want to write a whole bunch of actions or comments. A promo should be you say your thoughts about the match and that's it.

Also, I really don't care about anything involving obvious alt id's.

I shan;t bother to argue about alt id's as I have a hell of a time figuring out who is and isn't.

As for the original remark about promo's should be about the match and nothing else, that would be really boring. Plus, it never works that way in real wrestling. I view Promo spots as, essentially, character spots. In pretty much all of my recent promo's, I never say a word about the match, I mostly just make jokes at the expense of my character.

I know you seem to be quite into this hwole joke routine, which is cool, but I'd say there's one big difference between the way your character and mine work. You want to be in the Big Cheese title shot, and I just wanna be around.

Imagine if Doink the Clown had been given the WWF title, at any point. Can you honestly say you would have kept watching? Then, imagine if he cut promo's only occasionally and effectively removed the title belt from proper contension. Wouldn't you just HATE that? I know I would, and I never even saw Doink.

Then, look at Raven's recent TNA run as World Heavyweight Champion. He cut great promo's frequently, worked a shitload of matches and genrally made the belt a serious object. THAT is how it should be done.

Now, I know RDCW isn't real, but I don't honestly see that as an excuse. Guys who are into jokey promo's are fine as wrestlers, but not as holders of the main title. Certainly I have no interest in holding the Big Cheese Championship, nor really in holding any title of any sort (not that I'd turn one down...).


Anyway, I've made my thoughts on the subject clear, and I've pm'ed Joe to hopefully clear the air between us. I respectfully request not to be put in anymore polls at this time, and apologize to anyone who took offense to either the now-infamous promo or comments in this thread.

At least you've apologised, and that's cool. I think it'd be a good idea if everybody just calmed down and got on with what we're doing, 'cos at the moment it's just great.