
Captain Sammitch said:
Thanks very much. I think, though, that I owe it largely to the advantage of doing promos toward the end of the show, after the rest of you have already built up the momentum. Because I rather enjoyed Joe's, Pig Iron's, and Balls Nasty's promos, and Grimm's Doc Midnite poseur bit was hilarious. That sort of stuff is what gets Havoc moving. You need things like Louie's Lounge and Meeko's Mic Night to hold everyone's attention, and you need the powers that be™ like Doc to come out and exert some authority so there's more definite direction to the plot lines. And every single person who posts a promo or an in-ring is adding their own personality and their own character to the mix, and without all of those segments (yes, including that CUNT Nowhereman ), the whole thing just doesn't have near as much energy or intensity.

So honestly, we're all pieces in a puzzle here, and we all do terrific work on Havoc every week. I'm just fortunate enough to post after most of you so I can see the picture on the box, and that lets me add my own piece to the puzzle more easily. So everyone keep up the good work. We may be getting a new writer before too long here, and I'm sure they'll be impressed with what they see.


"They can Take Our Lives, But They'll Never Take OUR MESSAGE BOARDS!!!!"