
Grimm said:

Mike The Mouth Monroe said:
Conniver Series is over! And what a pay-per-view it was!

It sucked. The main event was little more than another promo for the 4. The Dark Lords won but were made to look like incompetents. There was no mention or feeling that JM's team couldn't get along, which not only killed any tension there, but also telegraphed the 4 announcement (but not the swerve, which was the only part that read like any real time was put into it).

If I had ordered this for a ppv, I'd be demanding a refund. There's no excitement, no sense of drama or storytelling or characterization. Overall, very badly done. As Doc always says: We started this to make fun of the crap in wrestling, not to turn into it.

btw, I'm back.

Agreed. I also feel responsible for some of it. Things haven't gone as I've planned for my character or my feuds. I just haven't found the time to put in the effort necessary to keep things exciting 'cuz I'm totally swamped at work (I renovate homes to make them accessible to the disabled, and it's like the contractors I'm working with right now either don't understand english, or don't understand math ) I just wish I could have of been more help to Joe Mama. If I had more input into the plotting I could share my ideas but, like I said earlier, I just haven't been able to find the time. Sorry to everybody here, (especially Nowhereman, Joe Mama, and Grimm) I know I let you guys down.

"Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money" - Ice Cube