Why do fans cheer when The Rock says he is gonna stick something up Stone Colds arse,then cheer when Austin says he is gonna whup The Rocks arse?

Why does HHH act scared of The Big Show one minute,then not scared another?

And when did I say you were scared?
Funny cause I thought I said you made a move to attack me!

As for the rookie thing,you forget,compared to me you are a rookie,so it would only make sense with the comments about let the adults talk.
Why do you think Grimm made the comments about me being a senior?

As for how I wrote your response......thats funny,cause I dont actually remember writing anything that made you look bad!
Did I say you pissed your pants?
Did I say you cowered?
Did I say you got down on your hands and knees & prayed for forgiveness?

Do me a favour,and just fuck off!

I am getting sick & fucking tired of your attitude,in fact I'm getting sick & fucking tired of posting here seeing as it all just seems to be about pushing you to the top all the time!

In the two years the RDCW has been going,I have never pushed for a heavyweight title shot,and nobody saw fit to put me in contention for one,so dont give me "no selling".

I'm outta here!