
Captain Sammitch said:

Louie Bastardo said:
I'll post it if you send it, but it's been two weeks. And it's been one week since you said you were gonna send it. I got other shows to work on.

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Like I said, I'll send it to you as soon as I can, and if you feel like posting it, good.


I'll post it if you send it,


If not, well, you're pretty much partly in charge of this thing, so there's no point in me getting all pissy about it.

it's not about me, Sammitch. it's about the RDCW as a whole. think about this: DMN was a part of the match. I don't know if he's been in touch with you about the recap, but if he hasn't, then he might not be posting because he doesn't know what direction to take. that's speculation on my part, yes, but it's also an observation based on past experience.

I'll give you another example: Nowhereman didn't want to post until the recap for his match was up. he didn't have to wait, but he did. there've been other instances where posters haven't posted because they didn't know how to follow up on a match that wasn't up.

you gotta consider the people you're working with. we're trying to promote more cooperative efforts here. we want people to work with each other and try to make everyone look good. late recaps hurt that.

no one in here is perfect. we've all fucked up on things. but for this forum to keep running, we've all got to make the effort to do our part.

I make stars, baby!