I think people would appreciate having their names and likenesses used in a manner consistent with their wishes, regardless of how often they post here. But as was said before, posters should make every effort to get in touch with the individuals whose names and likenesses they want to use; if the poster doesn't respond, do what you want with them. Chewy and Killconey are usually interested in hearing about what I do with their characters, and each one contributes ideas from time to time. That's why they aren't just random mopes.

As far as original ideas of my own, aside from crazy matches I've designed in the past, I just think it'd be cool to keep shaking things up a bit and encouraging more participation. No one wants to be the only participant, even if it's a rotating 'only' participant - I present as evidence the Writer's Block forum.

If the polls are gonna be spammed, we'll just have to go back to PM polling from participant IDs. If you're billed and you mention planning on posting a promo or a recap, you should post one or else forfeit the match regardless of results. (That should affect me as much as anyone else here.) If you want a title shot, and you get a title shot, both contenders should have a promo.

I think the titles should mean more, especially the heavyweight title. If anyone can have a shot at being number one if they work hard enough, then everyone should want to get involved and take a chance. The current heavyweight title holder should be the third mod of the forum, and should be expected to participate either in the ring or at the announcer's table or in a significant promo every event - if the champ misses an event and can't provide a decent explanation, they should have to defend their title at the following event.

Factions should mean more. Belonging to a faction can, if it's done properly, give people a lot more incentive to post here - and help bring new people in too. There should be more factions, and at the same time fewer 'sides'. There are clearly defined faces and heels in the RDCW, and the major players on both sides should be playing politics and angling for alliances with the smaller 'on the fence' factions to tip the balance.

We need more recognition. Front Page, references in sigs, even external RDCW pages on posters' personal websites, whatever it takes to get more people in here and eliminate the need for the shitload of alts we have participating in this forum.

Those are some of the ideas I've had floating around in my head. As soon as my family situation reaches something close to normalcy, and as soon as I arrive at a regular living arrangement with an Internet connection, I will be participating in this forum as regularly as is humanly possible.


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