Gob forbid Nowhereman thinks I'm trying to run anything , I offer up some suggestions for discussion:

I think our biggest problem is that Convolution was never completed. Well, I think that's a symptom of our biggest problem, actually. I think our biggest problem is that we tried to produce a weekly event. I think Havoc should go biweekly, with pay-per-view events occurring bimonthly. With Havoc starting on a Tuesday night, there should be a week for everyone to get their promos in, with the thread being locked the following Monday night. Then, there should be a week to get recaps written up, with all recaps posted the following Monday night, two weeks after Havoc goes up. I think our biggest problem has been a lack of time for some of our participants to write up both a promo and a recap. This way, there are two weekends available, and maybe that means Spamm can be a regular.

That said, before we come up with a reason why we haven't been on the air for months, I think Convolution needs to be completed. I think that's where we need to sort of continue from. I don't think there should be any new regimes when we return, just the Otaku, the IV, the SDC (or whatever Sammitch chooses to call them), and the tag teams. If anyone wants to introduce something new (like myself), that's cool too. We can make up some stuff that happened while we were off the air, or we can just say that there was a screw up with the accounting and continue with few changes.

Finally, I think we should build towards Matrimony, a PPV designed to do three things. First, there needs to be a wedding, so I think Killconey and Sweet Marlene should get married live on PPV. Second, I think there should be a match to unite the Y belt with the Hardcore Poon belt, leaving only the Y Division in it's wake. Third, I think the Cheese belt should be united with the Cunt belt. On a side note, I think JLA, the Cheese belt holder, should for some reason think that he's having a match to unite the Cheese belt with the Boobie belt, because obviously the highest men's championship title can only be united with the highest women's belt. In reality, that's wrong, but it's JLA, and I'm sure he can make it work very well for a few weeks leading up to the event.

I think fewer titles will force creative non-title feuds and put more emphasis on what the titles stand for, especially since JLA only puts up his title at PPVs, which would be every two months.

Now, I cannot stress enough that these are merely suggestions being suggested to promote discussion about the future of the RDCW. I am not trying to run things, even if I do send some suggestive PMs to some of the people involved. The success of the RDCW has always been dependant on communication, so I'm trying to promote some of that.
