
thedoctor said:
Maybe next time you're talking with your minister, he can help you with you using your dad's death as an excuse for everything. No disrespect to your father or your family. This is all about you. I really was sad about your lose, but you throwing it out as an excuse for things you had problems with before his death saddens me even more. There was no need to bring it up, yet you felt you had to use it to defend yourself from any form of criticism about your record of participation here in this forum. Just face the fact that you aren't as willing or able to put as much work into this as you claim and tell us. Don't make up excuses. Don't lay blame where it doesn't belong.

I wasn't attempting to use that as an excuse for my poor follow-up. I have no need for excuses or passing blame. I know I'm not very good at follow-up in this forum. I'm trying to point out that there's a different reason I've been having trouble sticking with it this time. That and I really didn't want to just lay out everything I have planned way in advance. That and I honestly haven't finished coming up with a particular plan. I'm still working on it, okay? I actually have a day off today, so gimme a little while and I will try to come up with some more things.


And hurry up on that quesadilla.

Chipotle, man. You don't rush perfection.

Actually I need to go get my paycheck, so I will probably be back in an hour to 90 minutes. We'll talk.


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