
Prometheus said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
Yea, John Kerry won't call himself a liberal either. One trait I've found common amongst many liberals is to deny that there is a word to desrcibe thier belif system.

I like how you promote your own ignorance by denying others their own words. If I say I'm not a liberal, then, I'm not a fucking liberal. Why do you feel the need to always escalate this stuff into some kind of conflict?

It's angry Prometheus out of his cage! .... can't have a conversation without getting pissed off. I'm sorry if my simple dissagreement
turns this into a conflict for you. Would it make you happy if I just alwayse agreed with you? would that make it easier?

Fine you're not a liberal and Bush was the worst president ever and the Iraq war was a moral out rage and size doesn't matter. You happy now?

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