
r3x29yz4a said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
OK, but have you heard the statistics of how "poor" the poor really are. I mean the average TVs per household is 5 a majority of the "poor" have extended cable or satalite TV a third of the poor have MORTGAGES and at least 2 cars. Frankly the poor in our country live pretty well.

I have no clue where you got that idea but growing up we were technically lower middle class and we didn't have that and none of our neighbors had all those luxuries.

Probobly because the lower-middle class acctually watches less tellevision than the poor. My folks also were lower-middle class. Infact, by the mere fact that they were public school teachers, some would call them poor. We had one TV, basic cable and two old cars. A Chevy Vega and and a 1977 Olds (this was untill the late 90's) Yet we also lived in a 4,000 square foot house with a 180' view of the watter, so it all depends on how you calculate things.

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