
Matter-eater Man said:
normal people might be willing to at least give her or any other Dem a chance.


    The poll from RasmussenReports.com, which has surveyed Clinton's presidential hopes every two weeks over the last year, found that support for her presidential ambitions has hit rock bottom — less than a week after GOP chief Ken Mehlman called her too "angry" to be president.

    Now just 27 percent say they'd definitely vote for her — down seven points from the start of the year — and 43 percent say there's no way they'd cast a ballot for her, an eight-point uptick in the past month.

    Pollster Scott Rasmussen, who accurately forecast the outcome of the 2004 White House race, said Clinton's support has plummeted among men and party faithful. This poll is the latest in a trend of weakening support for her White House hopes. She now has a 47 percent unfavorable rating, and 45 percent of respondents say she's a political liberal.

    "As 2008 gets closer, she'll have to go to the left to win. We'll try to roll her further in that direction," one GOPer told The Post.

    "She's been talking moderate, but she has a liberal voting record — and we'll point that out and why she's trying to hide from it."