
while I was being critical, I was trying to do it in a friendly fashion. I just don't think you pull of sarcasm very well. For one, you overuse it. You also do it waaaay too over the top. Then, of course, there's your spelling.

Wow, you are a friendly guy. Thank you, I really appreciate you're criticism. It will help me become a better person.

Oh, wait, here, let me take your advise and not be sarcastic.... Dude, don't try this mock helpfull bullshit. You were being an ass-hole and you know it. At least have the balls to admit when you're being an ass-hole or do you honestly think this shit plays? Do you hang with elitist bitter people so much that you honestly think the world is begging for your criticism and you're being a nice guy by offering it?

There, I hope the latter portion of this post was more to your liking, because I take your criticism with the gracious intent that it was offered and I thank you for it. Oh and there's my spelling. I'll try to work on that so that someday you might be proud of me.

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