Hmm, seems like an awfully loose deffinition. Sure there is violence between Sunis and Kurds, but the leaders of those groups haven't condoned it, infact they have vowed to start wroking together to quell the infigting

There are significantly fewer casualties this year than last; the infrastructure is in much better condition; The government is taking shape representives from both sects have everted a true civil war by determining to work together in the government to quell violence between them. Yet the left seems determined to find some mesure to define this war as a failure and for what end? To pull out of Iraq? Is there anyone that honestly believes that if we packed up and left that there would be an end to the violence rather than a significant increase? The "peace" movement doesn't want peace they just don't want to get involved. Consider the "peace" movements greatest victory, the end of the Viet-Nam war. I'm currious, have you gotten your thank you card from teh South Viet-Namese?

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