
Hailing Gore a 'committed visionary,' Clinton unveils plan to reduce oil imports by 50%

In an appearance before the National Press Club today, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) called for a reduction of U.S. oil imports of 50% by 2025, RAW STORY has learned.

The remarks include Clinton's strongest language yet on the topics of oil dependence and climate change. As inspiration, Clinton even inserted a plug for Al Gore's new documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," proclaiming the former Vice President as a "committed visionary" on the subject of global warming.

To back this push, Clinton called for the creation of a "Strategic Energy Fund," which would place a two year fee on major oil company profits that exceed a 2000-2004 profit baseline. Companies could offset their fee by investing in refinery capacity, ethanol production, or alternative energy such as wind-generated electricity. The proposal also eliminates oil company tax breaks and calls on companies to pay what Clinton calls their "fair share" of royalties for drilling on public lands.

Clinton's office believes the fund could would raise more than $50 billion for research, development and deployment of new energy technologies. Targeted technologies include hybrid and alternative vehicles, renewable energy, biofuels, and supporting infrastructure.

Sounds good to me.

Fair play!