
Matter-eater Man said:
I don't agree with the political motivations you accuse & assign to Hillary Wonder Boy. It boils down to she was in the right & the person you should be questioning is our leader. Why is the President keeping Rumsfeld in place?



W B said:

Hilary's actions are based on political expediency, not principle.

She's seen how support of the war has put Sen Joseph Lieberman's re-election in serious jeapordy.
And so she's setting aside the best interest of the nation, and taking up the mantle of the Angry anti-American Left, and begun mouthing liberal rhetoric that bemoans failure, but offers no alternatives, in order to suck up to her Democrat voter-base, and remain a potential nominee for the 2008 presidential election.

Just like Kerry before her, I might add. Who took on Howard Dean's angry rhetoric, to steal Dean's thunder and get the 2004 nomination. We all know how well that served Kerry.

I find Hilary Clinton's timing for such a 180-degree shift to be just too coincidental.
A week ago, Lieberman was projected to win his re-election primary. Hilary still supported the war unwaveringly.
Now, 7 days later, Lieberman has been alienated by the Angry Left and is projected to lose. The message is clear: Democrats will bitterly oppose even their most favored, who dare to support the war. And what a surprise, Sen. Clinton suddenly abandons her principles and condemns the war.

It's way too coincidental to be anything else.


M E M said:
You also take Clinton for task for not giving any alternatives but realistically if she suggested any replacements like you did it would pretty much guarentee them getting torpedoed.

I find that illogical. If Democrats and Republicans both found Perry a worthy choice just a few years ago, why not now?
I'm not the first to suggest it. As long as the clamor to replace Rumsfeld has been going on (about 3 years) I've seen the media pundits, and even members of the House and Senate, suggest Perry and Cohen as very competent choices that would please both sides and restore credibility.