
Wonder Boy said:...

I find Hilary Clinton's timing for such a 180-degree shift to be just too coincidental.
A week ago, Lieberman was projected to win his re-election primary. Hilary still supported the war unwaveringly.
Now, 7 days later, Lieberman has been alienated by the Angry Left and is projected to lose. The message is clear: Democrats will bitterly oppose even their most favored, who dare to support the war. And what a surprise, Sen. Clinton suddenly abandons her principles and condemns the war.

It's way too coincidental to be anything else.

What your saying is just untrue Wonder Boy. I think it's fair to say that Hillary has been a vocal critic of our President's poor leadership concerning Iraq for quite some time now. Last month she joined 38 other Dems in a resolution that called for troops to start exiting Iraq this year, without setting a withdrawal deadline. Last November, Clinton voted for a Democratic amendment calling for a "phased redeployment" of U.S. troops from Iraq. What you depict as a 180 degree turn ignores her actual record.

And lets not forget that there was somebody sitting across from Hillary that actually did a 180. When confronted with his constant Pollyana portayal of Iraq by Clinton, Rumsfeld lied.

Fair play!