"Moderate", M E M ?

Here are a few excerpts from Pat Buchanan's Death of the West book I've been reading, detailing how the ideas that the Left introduced in the U.S. and Europe have led to a negative population growth, that combined with immigration from an exploding Third World population, is already laying the groundwork for the collapse and replacement of our civilization, with their own culture that takes advantage of our "tolerance".


page 31:

In the 1960's both a student rebellion and a cultural revolution rolled over campuses. When the rebels graduated, got jobs, and got married, they ceased to be rebels, taking their place in the country of their parents and voting for Ronald Reagan; though it took some --our president [George W. Bush] comes to mind-- perhaps longer than others to "break away".

The sixties rebels, however, were not revolutionaries. Converts to the revolution came to college thinking and believing one way, and left thinking and believing an entirely different way, that changed their whole lives. Hillary Rodham, the Goldwater Girl who came to Wellesley in 1965 and left as a social radical in 1969, with new values, a new moral code, and a steely resolve to change the [according to her liberal indoctrination] corrupt society in which she'd been raised, is as good an example of the revolutionary as Bush is of the rebel.

The cultural revolution that swept America's campuses was a true revolution. In a third of a century [since 1965] the Judeo-Christian moral order it defied has been rejected by millions. Its hostility to Ozzie-and-Harriet America has been internalized by our cultural elites, and through their domination of our opinion and value-shaping institutions --film, TV, the theater, magazines, music-- these evangelists of revolution have spread their gospel all over the world and converted scores of millions.



page 45:

When America's most public lesbian couple, actresses Anne Heche and Ellen DeGeneres broke up, the president of the United States called to offer his sympathy.
Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady to march in the New York City gay pride parade. Did the New York Times, the good Gray Lady of Forty-third Street, editorially question the wisdom of America's First Lady parading with drag queens and men in thongs?
Not at all.
As Times national political correspondent Richard Berke told colleagues at the tenth-anniversary reception of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association:
"Three quarters of the people who decide what goes on the front page [of the Times] are 'not-so-closeted homosexuals' ".

Nine months after marching for gay pride, Mrs Clinton refused to march in the 240th St. Patrick's Day parade, once a must for all New York City politicians. The Ancient Order of Hibernians, the fraternal Roman Catholic group that runs the parade, does not permit the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization to march as a unit; and Mrs. Clinton had been chastised by gay rights groups for marching on St. Patrick's Day in 2000.
That Senator Clinton would appease the homosexuals, even if it meant affronting Irish Catholics, testifies to the new balance of power in the Democratic party, and the new correlation of forces in the culture war.

Hillary Clinton?

"Moderate" ?!?

I don't think so. I'm amazed she's been able to hide her true colors from so many for so long. Until now.