Hillary Rodham Clinton's high command is quietly interviewing Democratic operatives to serve as campaign foot soldiers for her likely White House run.

    The Clinton camp's super-secret recruiting - interviewees have been told not to discuss anything with friends or the media - comes as the former first lady hasn't held a public event in 16 days.

    Aides say she is resting at home in Chappaqua.

    Her disappearing act at a time when other 2008 Democratic candidates have been increasingly active has a growing number of Iowa caucus-goers believing she might even take a pass on a presidential bid if rising rival Barack Obama jumps in.

    Meanwhile, Clinton's inner circle has been targeting proven party operatives for hiring, including aides who served Sen. John Kerry in his failed 2004 bid to unseat President Bush.

    Clinton's brain trust has powwowed with Democratic communications gurus who would be willing to uproot from Washington to quarterback the campaign's press operations in early primary states like New Hampshire and South Carolina.

    They're also trying to enlist hard-nosed wordsmiths to serve at campaign HQ on Clinton's so-called "rapid response" team, which is tasked with countering political broadsides.

    Prospective hires have been told by Team Clinton to keep quiet because nothing has been finalized about the former first lady's campaign rollout.