Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton's political consultant for twenty years. He speculates that Hillary may be trying to run with an outmoded campaign strategy:

    Evidently, she's been grousing to potential supporters that she doesn't understand why she can't follow the more leisurely schedule her husband first pursued, when he waited to announce his candidacy until the fall of 1991. Her plan was to do the same thing. Now, with the increasing strength of Edwards and Obama, she's being forced to get into the race and compete. This was something that she hadn't planned on; not at all.

    Everything about the Hillary operation looks a bit out of date. Most of her advisors are the same retreads the Clintons have always used.

    Hillary's tactics are also old. She spent much of her $40 million campaign war chest in her 2006 run for a second term in New York building her direct mail list. And last year, Hillary quaintly called for a post card writing campaign to lobby for maintaining Homeland Security funding levels in New York.

    ever heard of the Internet, Hillary?

    Today's politics is a whole new world. Money is raised by the bushel and, as a result, is no longer as decisive. Events happen faster. People seek out candidates before they have the time to reveal themselves to the voters. A candidate herself, actually, controls only about a quarter to a third of her own campaign. Bloggers, Internet e-mailers, independent expenditures, party committees, eager contributors and special interests run the rest for her. She can't keep track of her own campaign, let alone control it.

    Unless Mrs. Clinton takes a crash course in the new politics, she's not going anywhere. These old days are over, Hillary.