
Matter-eater Man said:
...don't expect me to jump through your partisan hoops....

You complained I wasn't being consistent with the use of last names. I made my practice consistent among all potential candidates. Only you could claim that consistency between candidates of all parties is partisan


The difference seems to be that you expect me to stick to your partisan flavored titles.

excuse me...I....giggle


Heh...heh...gasp....heh...okay....I've stopped laughing at that last one.

You, MEM, with the possible exception of your need to excise middle names since we found out that Obama's is "Hussein," are singularly incapable of posting in a thread without editorializing in the the title. While we are all guilty of it on occasion, you do it on pretty much every thread, over and over, and always in a "pro Democrat," "anti-republican" manner.

The Guiliani thread is only one of the latest of many, many, examples.

Seriously, I hope Soros is paying you by the keystroke.