
PJP said:

Karl Hungus said:

the G-man said:
Appropo of nothing, and completely off topic, I'm sure, would lesbianism count as cheating?

depends on a personal point of view and the feelings in the marriage. for example, is it cheating if hillary is ok with bill seeing other women? if hillary is bi and bill knows, then its not cheating. if she is hiding lesbianism then it is. if bill knows and their marriage is one of convenience and each is sleeping with others than its not.

It's definitely a marriage of convenience and anybody who thinks not is a complete fool. With that said if they are happy about their situation then God Bless them I would imagine the majority of americans would care less too. I brought up Hillary to MEM though cause he has a major hard on about Rudy who had done nothing near as moraly wrong as the Clinton family.

Praise Allah!

But Rudy cheated. Were his marriages ones of convenience?

Bow ties are coool.